Turners Training Academy (Pty) Ltd was established in 2015 and is owned by Turners Shipping (Pty) Ltd. It is part of the portfolio of services of Turners Shipping.
Our Objective
The aim of the Turners Training Academy is to provide candidates with a holistic understanding of the industry and their role within the logistics supply chain while developing their professional and personal skills.
Training is extended to our customers’ employees as many businesses don’t have the resources to conduct extensive in-house training. As an approved SETA training provider, businesses will be able to get financial support from the Transport Education and Training Authority when their staff attends any of our courses.
Please contact our Training Coordinator.
We Care Programme
This is an in-house initiative for our own staff members. As a responsible employer, we recognise the role of professional skills development in a person’s career path. Equally important are life skills and lifestyle choices in determining our success in our family, work and broader community relationships.
Experts in health, security, diet and physical health facilitate workshops for our staff at our offices.